Having a large tree removed takes careful planning. The following checklist will aid in that task.
1. Create a Site Plan
Many municipalities require a site plan before they will issue a permit for tree removal. The site plan shows the tree, and its surroundings, along with what items could be endangered by the tree coming down and the plans to mitigate these dangers.
2. Secure All Necessary Permits
In many areas, a permit is necessary to remove trees over a certain size. It may also be required if the tree overhangs public property, such as a sidewalk or street, or if it is otherwise considered dangerous, such as those trees growing near power lines.
3. Notify Utilities If Necessary
If a tree is growing into or near any above ground utility lines, it is imperative that the utility companies are notified before removal begins. They may need to shut down power to the lines temporarily. You may also need to contact underground utilities, like gas and water, if you will be removing the stump.
4. Arrange for Safety Blockades
The area around the removal, including all possible fall zones, must be clearly marked with yellow caution tape so that no one accidentally wanders into danger. If roads or sidewalks are included in the danger zone, then you may need to put up larger barriers to prevent foot and vehicular traffic until the removal is complete. This is the main reason for permitting and developing a site plan.
5. Remove All Items Below
On the day of removal any item inside the danger zone needs to be moved. This doesn't just include obvious items, like lawn furniture, but also items in the street, such as cars. It's also recommended that you cover sensitive shrubbery and flower beds with sheets or dropcloths. Many branches will fall during removal, and the covers will help prevent them from badly damaging the rest of the landscaping.
6. Identify the Staging Area
Set aside one spot t stage the equipment, including the lift trucks and woodchippers. This could be the driveway, a section of the street, or a part of the yard. If it is the yard, mark sprinkler heads with flagging so that the equipment doesn't inadvertently cause damage.
7. Secure Pets and Children
Finally, make sure your pets and children are securely inside once the work begins. No one should go outside and into the safety zone until the removal crew gives the go ahead that all is safe.
Contact a tree removal service for more help with your tree.